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School Uniform

Guide to ordering school uniforms

St. Mary’s students are required to wear uniforms from Top of the Class, a domestic vendor which has worked with several international schools in Japan. Top of the Class has produced this guide to the St. Mary’s school uniform, divided by school and season.

Please see these links from Top of the Class:

All ordering via the website is in English. Japanese language support is available by phone.

Required for yearbook picture day and other formal events

For the High School:

  • One long-sleeved white shirt (with school logo)
  • One striped tie

Additional items

Other items that need to be purchased individually are:

  • Black socks
  • Black belt
  • Black shoes

Shoes (sneakers/tennis shoes and dress shoes) should be all black. The soles and any logos should be solid black. No secondary colors are permitted.

Grid of black shoes with green checkmarks

Shoes that fit St. Mary’s guidelines

Grid of shoes and red X's

Shoes that do not fit St. Mary’s guidelines


Students should also have a backpack large enough to hold all needed school supplies: A4 folders, iPad (for Grades 3-5), swimming bag, library books, snack, lunch and water bottle, as well as a jacket during cooler weather. No wheeled bags, please. Please see the following examples:

Example of acceptable backpack
Example of acceptable backpack
Example of acceptable backpack
Example of acceptable backpack